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Working On Yourself

Self Improvement for businesses inspiration blog

Am I the only one that finds when things get tough, my personal development is the first thing to go? I don’t even mean tough in a bad way. When I get busy, I often find myself pouring out all of my time and energy to make sure everyone else’s lives have smooth sailing. I’m super hectic at work and find myself skipping days at the gym. I’m on deadline with customers’ projects and don’t get around to my own projects. It’s easy to fall into the trap of “sacrificing” your own wants and needs to make sure you don’t fall short elsewhere – and then you are so drained you don’t prioritize making yourself your best self.

The past couple of months at Vitality South, we’ve found ourselves burning on all four cylinders. We’re working on some really, really cool projects that we can’t wait to show you when they are completed. At the same time, we’ve needed to update our own website. When we launched Vitality South last September, we expected to have plenty of time to develop our own website. Thankfully, the good businesses of Northeast Mississippi have kept us very busy. And instead of pouring our souls into our own masterpiece, we honestly kinda slapped it together and moved on. Not an embarrassing website, but not something we were super proud of, either. But we knew, especially because we are a marketing agency that develops websites, that we should do better for ourselves.

I am excited to announce that as of today, we have re-launched our own marketing agency website. Like any artists, we’ll still look back, nitpick, and find ways to continually improve it; but we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished. We found the time to develop ourselves, even amid the chaos we call business.

There is a book that I’ve heard many mixed reviews about by Rachel Hollis called Girl, Wash Your Face. I read the book; I personally enjoyed it. There was one particular point in the book that I found inspiring. She was talking about the painstaking lengths we take to fulfill our promises to others. In the book she said “What if just this once, you kept your promise to yourself?” Even if you don’t feel like it. Even if it isn’t easy.

I’ll attest. Finishing our own website revamp amidst our other work projects wasn’t easy. But it was definitely rewarding. And instead of kicking back, propping up our feet on our desks, and coasting for a while; it’s time to re-evaluate ourselves and determine our next personal development project. Maybe we’ll learn something new. Maybe we’ll make something new. I’m not sure yet, but I can promise you there will be something. As I can imagine the collective groan of the office when we decide on our next “extra” project, I can also say with confidence that’s one of the reasons we love our work so much. Continual growth. Try it – it feels really good.

So, tell us. What are you working on? What have you been “meaning” to get around to at your office that has been put on the back burner? Go, do, and be excellent. And as always, let us know if we can help.


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