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Do You LOVE It?

Woman sitting in front of computer cheering with "Do you love it?" above her head

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I do my best thinking while I’m mowing my lawn. I personally get out and push mow it. I have for years, and I enjoy it. There are no distractions, it’s good exercise,  and I have free time for thinking while getting some Vitamin D.

What I’ve never mentioned before is how much I LOVE my electric lawnmower itself. If you’re a “You’ve Got Mail” movie fan, it almost reminds me of Frank’s obsession with his typewriter. Every time I use it, I think about how much I love it. I like that I don’t have to crank it but rather push a button, I love how much quieter it is compared to a gas mower,  I love that I don’t have to buy gas or oil for it – or really maintain it much at all. I love that because it’s so easy to start I can stop it as often as I want – no big deal. I love that it does a great job on the self propelling so it’s not difficult to mow. I really could go on even longer, but I feel that I’ve made my point – I LOVE my lawnmower.

What I’m coming across in my line of work over and over again is people who have marketing and technology products that they think are “ok.” Not good. Not great. But getting the job done. Websites that don’t reflect who they are or what they do. Technologies that technically do the job but take lots of workarounds to get it to work the way they need it. Logos and branding that no longer reflect who they are. And they just put up with these things. 

When we do projects for businesses, we expect them to LOVE them, or we aren’t satisfied. We want them to feel like Frank feels about his typewriter or how I feel about my lawnmower. Here is feedback I received from 3 different clients just last week that reflect how they feel about their new marketing:

  • “I love it like a new puppy!”
  • “I LOOOVVVEEEEE IT!!!! It has everything I wanted and I LOVE how all the links are attached to the images. I’m so happy I handed this over to you!”
  • I love it.  It works well.  I love the flow and where the content is placed.

If you have any marketing or technology that you don’t LOVE, give us a call for a free consultation. We’d love to help you take it to the next level!e

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