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Where You Plant Your Feet

Recently, certain situations have highlighted the importance of “where you plant your feet.” Last year, my mom’s word of the year was “bloom.” I watched as she blossomed and became a stronger person through the year 2022. She set goals for herself and planted herself in the spaces she knew would help her grow.

2022 was a year of change for my husband and me. I got promoted, had several health issues arise, and had surgery on my ankle. My husband left his job for a better opportunity. We began searching for a home for us to start a family in.

My husband got stuck in the same place for quite a few years. He struggled to find joy and motivation to continue doing what he once loved in his work. He planted his feet a long time in the wrong place. He needed more room to grow and blossom in his position. Thankfully, we discussed it, and he decided it was time. He moved jobs and has not regretted it once. Where he has planted his feet now, he can express himself and experience joy in his work again. I am so thankful for this opportunity for him and the people he works with now.

I have started networking and building my connections. I have experienced so much growth in my work and personal life. I work with a team of people who only want to see one another grow, expand their skills, and reach their goals. My family and coworkers encourage me daily to push on and keep growing. I have planted my feet in a community and environment that has allowed me to become a better version of myself.

Where are you in your life and work environment? Are you drained of all your energy when you go home? Are you excited about the work you are doing? Are you growing in the space you are currently planted? It is time for you to blossom. That can mean it is time for a shift in jobs or even making your current “garden” or environment something you can enjoy.

How will you bloom this year?

– Dacey
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