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Sunrises & Fogs

Sunrise and Fogs Blog image

As I made my way to work this morning, I admired the beautiful sunrise. I was reminded of new beginnings, new opportunities, and new learning experiences. Along with the sunrise, over the fields I passed along the way, a thick fog had settled. The breathtaking scenery reminded me that in every new beginning or opportunity, there is an element of the unknown. Personally, I have always struggled with the unknown. I want to feel like I am in control.

The past year, I have moved more than once, I have been promoted to a leadership position, and I got another dog. There’s plenty more to my year, but this year has been a year of many changes. Each of these situations brought about new excitement but also fear. Fear of the what if’s in the situation. Fear of failure. However, out of the situations, I have been successful and learned so much.

The point of all this is to remind not only myself, but each of you that read this blog, that new opportunities will be scary at times. Yet, despite the fears that may be presented, we come out of these situations stronger and more knowledgeable than we were before. Whatever situation of newness that may be presented to you, there is an opportunity for growth. Grow into the best version of yourself. But remember, if the situation doesn’t work out as planned, there is always another sunrise.

I am so thankful for the opportunities Vitality South has given me to grow as a designer and a person. We have elevated our designs and created new beautiful relationships. Year 3 of Vitality South was great, and I am looking forward to an even better year 4.

Dacey Jade

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