

Content Creation Specialist

Introducing New Talent

My name is Emily Durham and I am the new Content Creation Specialist at Vitality South. My primary job functions are to help create web

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Growing a Healthy Business

Mental Health Check

If any of you follow me on my personal social media accounts, you may have noticed that I post fairly regularly about mental health. I

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Web Design Blog post

Outsourcing It

  In business, the word “outsourcing” is often thought of as an ugly word. And by all means, when I hear of a company sending

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_Moving On_

Moving On

As we are packing our boxes at our current business office, (literally as I type this) it’s amazing the onslaught of mixed emotions I feel.

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Taking Risks - Vitality South Blog

Terrifying and Amazing

If it’s both terrifying and amazing, then you should definitely pursue it. Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex I’m a digital girl. We make websites and

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Marketing Agency Blog

Two Kinds of People

If your website is not making you money, I believe it is broken. Ashley Elkins During a “previous life”, I was in sales for W.W.

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Self Improvement for businesses inspiration blog

Working On Yourself

Am I the only one that finds when things get tough, my personal development is the first thing to go? I don’t even mean tough

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motivation to start new business blog

A Dream is Born

Today marks the one year anniversary of deciding to open Vitality South. At this point, I hadn’t settled on the name or location or exact

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inspirational business blog

Rest to Progress

I was making Hot Pockets for my girls the first time ever this summer (how have they never tried these?!) and in reading the instructions,

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Shop Local Blog post

Who Cares About Local?

I’ll be honest. I’m a bargain shopper. I like a deal as well as anyone – maybe more than some. So the idea about shopping

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Business Resolutions for growth

Falling off the Wagon

Here we are, 3 weeks into the new year, and statistically 80% of those with resolutions have already fallen off of the wagon. If you’re

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