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Thankful for Framily

Thankful for Framily

This time of the year, we usually reflect on what we’re thankful for – and for most, including myself, that mostly centers around health and family. But as the years  progress, I realize more and more that many of those that we love so well have no legal claim to the word “family”. I spend 40+ hours per week with some amazing people with whom I share no blood ties. I have friends that I think about or talk to daily. And some friends, I may not see as regularly, but know at the drop of a hat would stop and help me or I for them, at any point along the way.

Also, my blood family supports my business in so many ways that you couldn’t see from a distance. Just this

Business Office

past weekend, my entire family stuffed, sealed, and stamped invitations for an upcoming event (thanks Mom and Dad!). My kids both have “offices” at my work. (I’ll share a pic – seems more like a Harry Potter cupboard under the stairs, but they LOVE it and so do I!) Layla is my “cleaning lady” and freelance artist. Vivienne has such a gentle spirit she will do literally anything I ask her to do without complaint. My nephew Jacob is turning into a great businessman and spent the entire summer interning, learning the ropes of business, and helping the team in so many ways. All are such amazing cheerleaders.

I know it’s cliche, but there really is no “I” in team. We couldn’t do what we do without all the tremendous support we receive. We appreciate our customers – without them, we have no job. We appreciate those that refer us to others when they mention they are looking for a digital agency/website designer. It is such an honor to receive a call from a new customer and know the reason they called is that someone thought highly enough of the work we do to recommend us. We appreciate our cheerleaders in the community that like, share, and comment on our social media posts. I get notified every single time. I know who you are. I appreciate you more than you know!

To my beautiful, expansive “framily”, those to whom I am related or not, those that support, cheer, encourage, refer, or advise; I am thankful for you. Vitality South is not just a marketing agency, but the physical manifestation of dreams, hopes, and desires. It has been an amazing year, and our framily all has a part in that success. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


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