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Apples and Oranges

Do you know that sometimes there are things you just know, but take for granted that they are not common knowledge? I was sharing info with some of our VS teammates this morning on why some of our services are so amazing. Apparently, I had never shared this information before with them. So, I wanted to share this with you as well in case we never have previously. 

I’ve long said that our website hosting is the best. Our backups are the best. Etc. What I apparently have never shared before is WHY I think they are the best. Many people say their stuff is the best as a biased opinion without reason. I say ours are the best because at the price point and service we offer, I have never found anything better. And I’ve looked.

There is a very distinct reason why ours are the best. Most other web design companies use a web hosting reseller and put their websites on that server. Most IT companies purchase backup solutions from 3rd party resellers and have whatever package that company has set up in mass for customers they have never met. Simply put: we don’t.

It’s unique for a marketing agency, IT agency, and software development agency to all be the same company. But we have all 3 of those in one. Our software development team custom-creates our servers and backup solutions to be amazing. We have routine backups that are auto-scheduled daily, plus monthly manual updates, responsive updates when new critical patches arise, and then annual upgrades. If better website hosting exists for the price point we offer, I honestly don’t know about it.

We have business computer backups that are ransomware proof. That sounds like a lofty claim, but I explained to our design team how they work in a way that seemed to make sense to them and wanted to share that information with you as well. The comparison does age me a little, so no comments, please, on that! Do you remember when CDs were the primary way to backup computer data? The first CDs that came out –  you could only write to them one single time. Later, they made “fancy” ones that were rewritable. Editable, if you will. Our ransomware-proof backup options are akin to the way those original CDs were made and are not rewritable. Therefore, if ransomware was uploaded onto a computer, it’s impossible to edit and corrupt those backups as they cannot be edited to include the newly encrypted files that have overwritten your data. The way many cloud backup solutions work is that an agent or backup software is running on the computer being backed up. Ransomware and malware can manipulate the backup software to overwrite or delete backups with bad data or can access the cloud storage using the same credentials or connection the backup software uses, effectively making you lose backups when you need them the most. Backup software that does not have immutable storage (read-only storage like a CD) is prone to have ransomware and malware destroy backups. Our custom-built solution uses cloud storage that is immutable, write-once, read-only. It’s a very simple solution with incredible benefits for cyber security!

We put tremendous care into our service offerings and custom-make many of them so we can offer the best solutions available at great prices. Our website hosting and backup solutions are apples and oranges compared to many of our competitors. If you are curious as to how any of our other services work or why we think they are the best, just ask us. We put thought and care into all of our services and would love to share the behind-the-scenes details on other services as well.

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